Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The End of a School Year

Friday is the last day of school here in Coweta County. It's the end of my daughter's kindergarten year. I know she has enjoyed her first year of school and will be looking forward to spending the summer playing and having fun. I couldn't help but think of Alice Cooper's song "School's Out For Summer" when I contemplated the end of Brenna's first year.

I remember when I was a kid that it seemed to take forever for summer to come. The school year seemed to take forever! Now that I'm all grown up time really flies by though. The wheel of the year seems to turn faster and faster as time goes by. Now holidays and birthdays seem to come around before I know it. I know that scientifically the minutes and seconds haven't changed at all. It's all in perception. Time doesn't actually pass by any faster, but it is perceived as passing more rapidly as a person gets older.

Summer plans aren't all that grand. There's no cash for a vacation (yet again) so we're not taking one. We haven't been on a real vacation since 2010 when we spent a week at Disney World in Orlando. We're working on saving money so we can go back though! We're all so ready to go back to Disney World.

It won't be a boring summer for our family though. We're planning on still having a good time, even though we're not taking a major family vacation. We're planning on visiting White Water in Atlanta and getting season passes if we can. We did last year and I'm hoping we can just renew them. Brenna loves White Water! That little girl would stay in the water all the time if she could!

Enjoy your summer. Even though you may not be taking a big family vacation, take some time to make the summer fun for the whole family. It's all about the memories you make. For example, I can remember being a little kid and going fishing with my dad. He'd get up around three in the morning, throw on clothes, and head for the lake. He'd let me come with him. I've never been a morning person so waking up that early was definitely not easy! More than once I fell asleep in the truck on the way to the lake. We'd reach the lake and he'd get his bass boat into the water. We'd climb in and set off for the best fishing holes before the crack of dawn. We'd stay on the lake all day long! It was just us fishing, talking, drinking sodas, snacking on Vienna sausages and sardines in mustard sauce, and having a good old time! We'd come back home telling my om about the fish we caught and smelling like the lake. Those are the kinds of memories that we want our children to have of summer vacations. I'm looking forward to making lasting, fun memories with my daughters as well!

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