I have a daughter who just turned six. She's absolutely hilarious! She's a lot of fun but is also rather strong willed and likes to do things her own way. That often presents a bit of a problem in school. Her kindergarten class utilizes a behavior chart based on the colors of the rainbow. Everyone starts the day on green. As your behavior improves throughout the day you can move up to blue, purple, and pink. Pink is the top of the behavior chart. If you misbehave you move down to yellow, orange, and then red. Red is not good and often results in a note home from the teacher.
Throughout the school year it's been a real challenge for my daughter Brenna to get green or better. However, this week she really nailed it! On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday she brought home green. On Thursday she brought home blue. And today she brought home purple! She improved throughout the week! I'd told her this morning if she managed to bring home purple we'd take her roller skating tonight. Well, here we are at the skating rink and she's having a blast, as you can see from above!
Am I skating? Not on your life! With my balance issues I'd fall flat on my face out there. But that's all right. They have WiFi here so I can chill, read, write, or whatever I want to do while she skates and had a blast! It's good to be able to reward your kids for a job well done. Brenna definitely deserves to have a fun night tonight for doing so wonderful this week in school! I'm so proud of her!
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