Today was a tougher day for me. I've been a migraine sufferer for the majority of my life and woke up with a real doozy of one today. I took my Imitrex and waited for it to get to work on my head. I still ended up calling in to work because the pain was just so awful. I really detest calling in, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Health takes precedence. It's now mid-afternoon and after one Imitrex, two Aleve, and the morning snuggling with my two dogs and one of my cats I'm feeling much better. I have a couple of hours before the family gets home so I am going to take this time and work on my latest novel idea.
Even when I am at work I can find a little space to jot down my thoughts. When I'm on lunch break I typically sit in a corner of the break room by myself. The photo above is my little corner of the office break room where I write in my green notebook. See, if something's important enough then you can make time for it anywhere! There are some friends who always invite me to sit with them but lately I've been declining because I really want to get my ideas outlined for my next NaNo project. Camp NaNoWriMo is just around the corner beginning in April and I want to have my outline ready to write come the first day of April! I've already signed up for Camp NaNo and am excited to get it started!
Mountain Springs House did receive my contract back earlier this week in the mail. Hooray! I'm excited for the next step in the publishing process. Several other authors from MSH will be participating in Camp NaNo as well and I'm excited to see their success at camp!
It's time for me to log off of the blog for a bit and go grab that green notebook. There are ideas in my head and need to get out and on to paper.
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