Saturday, June 14, 2014

My website is live!

I am so excited to share that my website is live! There is still more work yet to be done but the bones are there and it's ready for visitors! I invite you all to stop by and check it out.

Courtney's Website

I've also placed a link to it over in the "Links" section on the right of this blog.

We're down to six days to go until the release date! I am quite nervous about it, much like the nerves of a mother on her child's first day of school. You prepare. You write. You edit. You rewrite. Then that fateful day arrives and you send your baby out into the world! Well that day is right around the corner for me.

I'll definitely be looking for reviews of my latest work as soon as it's out! Would you be interested in reviewing it? If so, let me know!


  1. Good luck and keep me in the loop :)

  2. Congrats on launching your website! You are now officially online. I like your first day analogy. The fact is, when someone puts their work out there via a website, they want it to have an impact. It helps to know that you have a plan in terms of what you want it to look like and what you hope to achieve.

    Regina Morales @ Sonic Response
