I heard back from the publisher today. Everything's ready to go for the big release on Friday! Two days left until "The Search for Mrs. Claus" is available for you!
Releasing this book has been very much like the coming of Christmas for me. First was the writing of the story. Believe it or not, this novel was my NaNoWriMo project from November 2013. I've participated in NaNo several times but this was the first novel I ever finished during that month. Most NaNo projects usually don't turn out that great but I really fell in love with the story in my mind as I was writing it. It basically wrote itself. I love how I was able to sit back and let the thoughts flow out of my mind and onto the screen of my computer. While writing it, I was basically watching the story unfold in my mind like a movie. That was one of the most fun parts of writing this! I was seeing the action in my mind as it came to life on the computer screen.
After the writing was done, I did my first edits. It was then that I submitted the novel in the hopes that it would be chosen for publication. I was ever so pleased when it was selected!
Then the waiting game really began. The novel spent time with the editor and the formatter. My husband and I designed the cover art in the same way that wrapping paper is carefully chosen for a special present. Finally, today I heard back from the publisher. Everything's a definite go! I can't wait for Friday when I will see this novel available!
Yes, I can't help but feel like a kid at Christmas right now, sitting by the fireplace, listening and waiting for Santa to arrive. It's going to be hard for me to go to sleep on Thursday night because I know something wonderful will be waiting for me on Friday morning!
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