So today is the second day of Camp NaNoWriMo! Are you writing for this event too? I hope so! I'm extremely pleased with my progress so far! I am at 8885 words right now, which is really great for me! Perhaps making an outline ahead of time is the right way for me to handle a NaNo event. It really seems to be working so far. It's keeping me on track and allows me to keep writing without having to think on the fly the entire time. I'm really enjoying this so far!
Today I was introduced to my editor, Lisa Taylor, at Mountain Springs House. She'll be editing my novel The Search for Mrs. Claus. I'm really looking forward to working with her on this project! I hope she sees as much potential in my novel as I do. Lisa also blogs on Blogger. Please feel free to check out her blog as well!
Trust me, editing and proofreading are extremely valuable to writers! After all, I made quite a typo earlier this week at work. Oh how I wish someone had proofread this e-mail before I sent it! Of course, I've removed the customer's name, the recipients' names, and my employer's name to protect the innocent. Without a doubt I was quite shocked when I went back and read my message to my boss and three co-workers!

My apologies for the small print. I wasn't sure how to make sure it all fit on the page here and still keep the print large enough to read. Yep...that was a pretty good office typo there! At least folks got a good laugh out of it. Seriously though, it's errors like this that make editing and proofreading very valuable!
Sorry for the short blog post tonight but I've got a lot more writing to do on Pagan Ways tonight. The lure of the Word document calls to me! I'm off to Camp NaNoWrimo for more literary abandon and creative writing pleasure!
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