Hello everyone! I absolutely cannot believe that the month of April is nearly gone. Where does the time go? It's been a rather busy month for me. I've been working fervently on my Camp NaNoWriMo novel. I have a lofty goal of 75,000 words. I am knocking on the door of 40,000 as of tonight. Can I write 35,000 in eight days? I doubt it, but I'm not going to give up! We'll see how far I get!
Aside from my latest writing project I've really been spending a lot more time on my Facebook and Twitter accounts. I may have neglected the blog a bit while growing those two avenues. I'll strive to balance the social media a little better.
Balance. That's definitely something that's a struggle in the lives of people today. We work 40+ hours a week while juggling bills, savings, family, pets, and more. How do we all do it? Honestly, there are days when I wish we could just wind back time a couple hundred years to a simpler day. The rat race of today's world would be gone. However, I'd really miss indoor plumbing so it may not be the best idea. I just need to find a way to try to balance my life a little better. How many of us come home and feel so overwhelmed at the laundry, dishes, cooking, homework, and cleaning that needs to be done very night? Lord knows I do. I think if I could learn to not be such a perfectionist it would be a bit easier, but that just goes against every ounce of my being.
For example, weekends should be a time of rest, relaxation, and chilling out. For me weekends are a time to catch up on all the stuff I didn't have time to do during the week. This weekend my Saturday and Sunday are both completely planned out already. Somehow in the midst of my plans for puppy obedience class, cleaning out my mom's garage, moving the pool from her house to mine, catching up laundry, and shampooing my carpets I'd love to find time to do some writing. It's not going to be easy though but I will find the time. After all, if something's important enough you make the time.
Thanks so much for your understanding on my two week long absence. I know you have busy lives too. If you've got some suggestions that can help be better juggle my responsibilities, I'm game. Please share! I love feedback!
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