Today I'd like to invite everyone to check out the books of my friend and fellow author Alisha Guenzel. Alisha's debut novel "Unspoken Dreams" is published with the same house as "The Search for Mrs. Claus." Alisha is married and the mother of five children. Her passions are her family, her horses, and her writing.

Courtney: What made you decide to become a writer?
Alisha: I couldn’t talk as a kid and I found it much easier to make friends on paper. Like any other writer, stories come to me. And if I don’t write them down my mind is filled with that story until it is written.
Courtney: Your first novel “Unspoken Dreams” is very poignant. Tell me what events in your life led you to write this novel?
Alisha: To be honest Courtney I have an eight year old boy with autism. I wrote the original "Unspoken Dreams" when I was a moody teenager and I was going through a lot of changes at the time. When I picked up my old manuscript it just started out as something to do while I took care of my five kids while my husband was out of town. But as I began to write I saw I was putting in a lot of my experiences with my own son into the story. I’ve been asked if it’s a non-fiction story and I tell people no. But it does have a bit of reality. As you know yourself from reading "Unspoken Dreams", Jaime has many issues he must work through every day. That is real. Autism can be scary, that is real. The hope of a normal life is real. But what also is real is the hope of acceptance. I see it every day online. These parents of kids who are just diagnosed are heart breaking to me. So I put my real life experiences into "Unspoken Dreams." The tantrums, the "jitters." The frustration I felt as I raised not just my son but daughter as a single mother. The improvement in Jaime as he met Jonathan came from my experience of when I met my husband John. He taught Rhett (my son) how to control his behavior and today people can’t believe he has autism. Rhett talks, laughs, and functions. I want people to know that there is hope for a bright future. I know that is a lot and probably more than you asked for. But life is what led me to write my first novel.

Courtney: Do you have a particular method you use to write (like outlining) or do you just write as it comes to you?
Alisha: Oh my method is crazy and messy at first. I just write at first. But I have a big black 2” notebook that holds ideas for scenes and outlines and character sketches. I first start with the story in my head. Then I do what’s called a character sketch to see my character. For example for "The McGregor Saga" I have character sketches on all three brothers and their love interests. What they like, dislike, how they look, their hair and eye color stuff like that. Even what kind of food they like. Then after I finish the first draft I read it and do two sets of rewrites until I have the story where I want it. And even then I go over it again. I learned a lot while publishing “Unspoken Dreams” and I want my saga to be better so I begin with one draft of the story the outline really and then after I put in what I think the story should be I go back to my character sketches and see what my characters want the story to be. I know that sounds crazy but I look at it this way. As a writer I build the stepping stones to the story but my characters really tell it.

Courtney: Tell me about your upcoming novel “A Cowboy’s Duty.”
Alisha: Well to be honest Courtney I changed the name to "Jason’s Duty." It is book one of a series called "The McGregor Saga." The saga takes place in Montana and there are three brothers: Jason, Jesse, and Jude. All three are romances. But they are each different in their own way. For example in "Jason’s Duty" it revolves around the eldest McGregor. Jason Jameson McGregor. He’s his father’s foreman on his horse ranch. He’s a trainer and he is a country boy with lots of chores. But when a car accident brings his father’s friends daughter and wife to their ranch Jason’s world is turned upside down. He can’t do his job because his mother puts him in charge of watching over Haley (daughter of a friend) and Jason starts out really hating her but as time goes on he starts to fall for her and he feels torn between his heart and his duty as his father’s foreman. It’s kind of special to me because the main horse characters in the book are inspired by my own horses Ranger, Lilly, and Peanut. And some of the scenes with them are stuff that I do every day with my own horses.
Courtney: What or who inspired you to write?
Alisha: My Gram. From a very young age she taught me to dream big dreams. And to not limit my ability to go for what I want. My first A+ in school was a paper that I wrote about her house. It was labeled “My Favorite Place”. After she read it, she saw the talent I had and always encouraged me to keep writing.
Courtney: Tell me about your publication process. What did it entail?
Alisha: A lot of work but it’s fun. I started with a vanity press before I joined MSH. Then Allison Bruning took interest in "Unspoken Dreams" and wanted it because it had to do with autism. The editing part of it was a lot of work but after learning more about the craft of writing and learning how to make webpages and teasers even book trailers it was a lot of fun. It’s like my Gram always told me: “Alisha, nothing in life comes for free. You must work for what you want, if you don’t it’s not worth having.”
Courtney: Why do you write? Is it for fame, money, or the story?
Alisha: I would have to say the stories. I may not write a best seller but they are my stories. If I can bring hope to one struggling mom/dad of an Autistic child I have done my job. Would I like to be known or have someone just wait for my next book? Sure what author doesn’t but if I just write “Unspoken Dreams” and "The McGregor Saga" and that’s it and it’s made someone smile then I’m happy. Of course I want to make money but Rome wasn’t built in a day either. So I’ll just keep working and creating because that is my job.
Courtney: Is there a particular author that really influences your writing?
Alisha: I would have to say Devika Fernando. She really made me think about my story “Unspoken Dreams.” She taught me to listen to my characters and to not be afraid to do more. For example “Unspoken Dreams” was released earlier this year. And it was a good book but it was my first. I see it going places but just like everything else in life it needed time to sit and after I went back to it I saw where I could make it better and I did. Devika showed me that there is always room to improve your story.
Courtney: What are your goals over the next five years, both personally and as a writer?
Alisha: I hope to be as happy in five years that I am now. I have everything I need or want, a wonderful husband, five kids that bring me pride and joy to be called their mom. I have a horse who although is challenging is my best friend. So in five years I hope I can just be happy. As far as my writing, I’m not sure. I hope to have my name known in book stores. But then again I’m just starting out. I would like to say I hope "Unspoken Dreams" and "The McGregor Saga" is a success and that I go on to write more stories.
Courtney: What’s your favorite part of writing? Also, what’s your least favorite part?
Alisha: My favorite part of writing...hmmm...that is so hard because everything is so much fun. I love creating the story. But what writer doesn’t right? The rewriting can be a little discouraging at times because I have an idea in my head and when I realize I have to edit to make it better I think to myself “And I’m a published author?” I know that’s silly but it’s the truth. Editing is the hardest. But oh how I LOVE promoting! I know to most writers that’s the worst part but it runs a close second to be my favorite part of writing. I love it because the job is done and you get to play with ideas on how to get your audience hooked.
Be sure to check out Alisha's links below to keep up with her books and writing!
Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/alguenzel
Web Page: http://alishaguenzel.wix.com/unspokendreams
Book Trailer for Unspoken Dreams: http://youtu.be/sakYujcOO0c
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/ajbrown718689/unspoken-dreams/
Book Page: http://www.facebook.com/my.debut.book.unspokendreams
Book Page for Jason’s Duty: http://www.facebook.com/ACowboysDutyB1
Book Trailer for Jason’s Duty: http://youtu.be/4D6ob0swLJI
Book Page for Jesse’s Choice: http://www.facebook.com/MSJessesChoice
Book Page for Dancing with Jude: http://www.facebook.com/DancingWithJude
Blog: http://alishaguenzel.blogspot.com/

Great interview, I find her very inspiring. Thank you for the share