We all have a passion for something in this world. Be it writing, music, sports, baking...anything can be that one task you enjoy doing more than anything else in the world. Some days the world gets in the way of that passion though.
Today was like that for me. I work a full time (more than forty hours each week) sales job. Don't get me wrong. I do enjoy my job very much. But there are days when a person can just get so overwhelmed. You've heard the phrase "some days you're the dog and some days you're the hydrant" haven't you? Well today I was most definitely the hydrant. By the time I got off work I was mentally exhausted.
When I got home I had a choice to make. I could let the stresses of my hectic day overwhelm me and head for bed early or I could delve into my passion for writing for a while. I opted for the latter. Do you know that I honestly feel so much better now? It's nice to brush the dust of the day off of my mind and retreat into my little worlds inside my head. Don't laugh. Every writer lives in their own fantasy land from time to time. I'm willing to bet that you do as well.
Today I mailed my signed and notarized contract back to Mountain Springs House. I am very excited and can't wait to hear from them on the next step of the publishing process. Although I've been published before this is the first time I've ever been part of a traditional publisher! This is really a dream come true for me. The little girl who wrote stories about fairies and horses on a word processor and hoped they would become books someday has finally had that dream of being a writer come true! Someday has become today!
I am already working on my next novel. This time around I'm approaching it in a totally different way. I usually just sit down with my laptop and start writing whatever stories I am seeing in my mind. This time around I am actually outlining my next work before I start writing. I carry a green notebook with me to work and when I am in the break room on lunch I can outline in it. So far I've outlined the first nine chapters. My husband took a peek at it tonight and thought it was pretty interesting. Since it's a work in progress I won't divulge too much info yet. I really am not sure where the novel will go at this moment. But I can tell you that this is quite different from "The Search for Mrs. Claus" so far.
I choose to make time for my passion. I am making writing a priority in my life. Feed your passion too. Keep feeding that passion. Write. Read. Play that guitar. Above all, be yourself! Free yourself and dive headfirst into your passion, whatever it may be. I guarantee you'll be a happier person.